Study the pie-chart given below and answer the questions that follow-

a. Which sector’s share is the maximum in the usage of surface and ground water?
b. What is the percentage of agricultural sector in the usage of surface water and Ground water?
c. Why the development of irrigation was assigned a very high priority in the Five years plans?
d. Why is the agriculture sector using 89% of surface water and 92% of underground water?
e. Usages of which two sectors are likely to increase more in future?
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Study the map given below and answer the questions that follows-

a. What is the difference between the two areas shown as ‘Under Flow’ and ‘Under Lift’ system of irrigation?
b. Name any four districts that are benefited by the command area of the canal in stage I and stage II
c. Mention the measures proposed to promote sustainable development in the Command area of Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation project which are meant to restore ecological balance.
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Study the given map carefully and answer the following questions.

a) Identify the railway line shown in the map. OR Name this trans-continental railway line?
b) Which two oceans are connected by this trans-continental railway?
c) Give any one point of significance of this transport line. OR How has this railway line helped in the economic development of this region?
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Study the data of Percentage of net irrigated area to total by wells and Tube-wells given below and answer the questions:
State - Percentage
Gujarat - 86.6
Rajasthan - 77.2
Madhya Pradesh - 66.5
Maharashtra - 65
Uttar Pradesh - 58.21
West Bengal - 57.6
Tamil Nadu - 54.7
a) Which state has maximum percentage of net irrigated area to total by wells and Tube-wells?
b) What are the implications of excessive use of ground water? भूजल के अत्यधिक उपयोग के क्या परिणाम हैं?
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Study the following table and answer the questions that follow:

I. Name any two states with HDI value lower than 0.40.
II. What do you think how would thoughts of Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq or Prof. Amartya Sen be helpful in raising the level of human development in these states of India?
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Study the diagram given below and answer the questions:
a) Identify the canal shown in the map.
b) Name the two water bodies joined by the canal.
c) Name the Sea Ports related to this canal on both side.
d) What is the importance of this canal?
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Study the map shown and answer the question:

a) Name the state with the highest density of roads. Explain giving reason.
b) Name the state with the lowest density of roads. Explain giving reason
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Study the map and answer the following questions:

1 Name the canal shown in the map.
2 Name the two oceans which are joined by this canal.
3 Name the two ports on either side of the canal.
4 State the economic importance of this canal.
5 State the advantages of ocean transport over land and air transport. भूमि और वायु परिवहन की तुलना में समुद्री परिवहन के लाभों का उल्लेख कीजिए
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Study the data and answer the questions given below.
Decadal Growth Rates in India, 1901-2001
Growth rate in %
1 Define the term growth of population.
2 Which decade shows a negative growth rate? What is the main reason for the decline in population during this period?
3Which decades are referred to as the period of population explosion?
4 Why has the population growth declined in the last two decades? Give reasons.
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Study the data and answer the questions given below.

Q1 How does the natural increase in population occur, as per the graph?
i. Birth Rate – Death Rate
ii. Death Rate + Birth Rate
iii. Growth Rate- Birth Rate
iv. Birth Rate + Migration
Q2 What does the transition from high fluctuating stage to low fluctuating stage indicate?
i. Shift from Urban Industrial economy to Rural Agrarian economy
ii. Shift from Rural Agrarian economy to Urban Industrial economy
iii. Low Birth and Death Rate to High Birth and Death Rate
iv. Migration from Urban to Rural areas
Q3 From the given graph, what conditions can you infer about the developing countries?
i. High Birth Rate and High Death Rate
ii. Low Birth rate and Low Death rate
iii. High Birth Rate and Low Birth Rate
iv. Low Birth Rate and High Death Rate
Q4 In which stage of Demographic Transition, population explosion took place:
(i) State I
(ii) Stage II
(iii) Stage III
(iv) Post Stage III
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a. Which sector’s share is the maximum in the usage of surface and ground water?
b. What is the percentage of agricultural sector in the usage of surface water and Ground water?
c. Why the development of irrigation was assigned a very high priority in the Five years plans?
d. Why is the agriculture sector using 89% of surface water and 92% of underground water?
e. Usages of which two sectors are likely to increase more in future?
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Study the map given below and answer the questions that follows-

a. What is the difference between the two areas shown as ‘Under Flow’ and ‘Under Lift’ system of irrigation?
b. Name any four districts that are benefited by the command area of the canal in stage I and stage II
c. Mention the measures proposed to promote sustainable development in the Command area of Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation project which are meant to restore ecological balance.
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Study the given map carefully and answer the following questions.

a) Identify the railway line shown in the map. OR Name this trans-continental railway line?
b) Which two oceans are connected by this trans-continental railway?
c) Give any one point of significance of this transport line. OR How has this railway line helped in the economic development of this region?
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Study the data of Percentage of net irrigated area to total by wells and Tube-wells given below and answer the questions:
State - Percentage
Gujarat - 86.6
Rajasthan - 77.2
Madhya Pradesh - 66.5
Maharashtra - 65
Uttar Pradesh - 58.21
West Bengal - 57.6
Tamil Nadu - 54.7
a) Which state has maximum percentage of net irrigated area to total by wells and Tube-wells?
b) What are the implications of excessive use of ground water? भूजल के अत्यधिक उपयोग के क्या परिणाम हैं?
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Study the following table and answer the questions that follow:

I. Name any two states with HDI value lower than 0.40.
II. What do you think how would thoughts of Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq or Prof. Amartya Sen be helpful in raising the level of human development in these states of India?
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Study the diagram given below and answer the questions:

a) Identify the canal shown in the map.
b) Name the two water bodies joined by the canal.
c) Name the Sea Ports related to this canal on both side.
d) What is the importance of this canal?
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Study the map shown and answer the question:

a) Name the state with the highest density of roads. Explain giving reason.
b) Name the state with the lowest density of roads. Explain giving reason
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Study the map and answer the following questions:

1 Name the canal shown in the map.
2 Name the two oceans which are joined by this canal.
3 Name the two ports on either side of the canal.
4 State the economic importance of this canal.
5 State the advantages of ocean transport over land and air transport. भूमि और वायु परिवहन की तुलना में समुद्री परिवहन के लाभों का उल्लेख कीजिए
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Study the data and answer the questions given below.
Decadal Growth Rates in India, 1901-2001
Growth rate in %
1 Define the term growth of population.
2 Which decade shows a negative growth rate? What is the main reason for the decline in population during this period?
3Which decades are referred to as the period of population explosion?
4 Why has the population growth declined in the last two decades? Give reasons.
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Study the data and answer the questions given below.

Q1 How does the natural increase in population occur, as per the graph?
i. Birth Rate – Death Rate
ii. Death Rate + Birth Rate
iii. Growth Rate- Birth Rate
iv. Birth Rate + Migration
Q2 What does the transition from high fluctuating stage to low fluctuating stage indicate?
i. Shift from Urban Industrial economy to Rural Agrarian economy
ii. Shift from Rural Agrarian economy to Urban Industrial economy
iii. Low Birth and Death Rate to High Birth and Death Rate
iv. Migration from Urban to Rural areas
Q3 From the given graph, what conditions can you infer about the developing countries?
i. High Birth Rate and High Death Rate
ii. Low Birth rate and Low Death rate
iii. High Birth Rate and Low Birth Rate
iv. Low Birth Rate and High Death Rate
Q4 In which stage of Demographic Transition, population explosion took place:
(i) State I
(ii) Stage II
(iii) Stage III
(iv) Post Stage III
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