Ø Fill up the following Chapter wise Topics on Blank World Political Map CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO MAPS SOLUTION Ch. 4 Primary Activities Areas of subsistence gathering Major areas of nomadic herding of the world Major areas of commercial livestock rearing Major areas of extensive commercial grain faming Major areas of mixed farming of the World CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO MAPS SOLUTION Ch. 7 Transport, Communication and Trade Terminal Stations of transcontinental railways Terminal Stations of Trans-Siberian transcontinental railways Terminal Stations of Trans Canadian railways Terminal Stations of Trans-Australian Railways Major Sea Ports : Europe: North Cape, London, Hamburg North America: Vancouver, San Francisco, New Orleans South America: Rio De Janeiro, Colon, Valparaiso Africa: Suez and Cape Town Asia: Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Aden, Karachi, Kolkata Australia: Perth, Sydney, Melbourne Major Airports: Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, Mumbai, Jeddah, Aden Africa:...
This blog provides chapter wise notes, NCERT Solutions, Map Work, MCQ, PYQ, CBSE SQP, BSEH Model Papers, HBSE SAT Exam, Project Work, Question Paper Design, Syllabus and Curriculum, GK, Current Affairs, Video Lectures on Digital Board, Motivational Stories, Digital Library and E Books etc. for all classes, especially Social Studies and Geography by Abhimanyusir.