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Geography as a Discipline MCQ

CHAPTER-1 Geography as a Discipline

Q 1   Which one of the following scholars coined the term ‘Geography’?

(a)             Herodotus

(b)            Erathosthenese

(c)             Galileo

(d)            Aristotle

Q 2   Which one of the following features can be termed as ‘physical feature’?

(a)             Port

(b)            Road

(c)             Plain

(d)            Water park

Q 3   Make correct pairs from the following two columns and mark the correct option.

1. Meteorology        A. Population Geography

2. Demography        B. Soil Geography

3. Sociology            C. Climatology

4. Pedology             D. Social Geography

(a) 1B, 2C, 3A, 4D

(b) 1A, 2D, 3B, 4C

(c) 1D, 2B, 3C, 4A

(d) 1C, 2A, 3D, 4B

Q 4   Which one of the following questions is related to cause-and-effect relationship?

(a)             Why

(b)            Where

(c)             What

(d)            When

Q 5   Which one of the following disciplines attempts temporal synthesis?

(a)             Sociology

(b)            Geography

(c)             Anthropology

(d)            History

Q 6   The term geography was first coined by Eratosthenese, The word ‘Geography’ is created by two words ‘Geo’ (earth) and ‘Graphos’ (description), which means description of the earth. The word ‘Geography’ has been derived from which language?

(a)             English

(b)            French

(c)             Greek

(d)            Latin

Q 7   “Geography is concerned with the description and explanation of the areal differentiation of the earth’s surface”. Which scholar gives this statement about Geography?

(a)             Eratosthenese

(b)            Richard Hartshorne

(c)             Alfred Hettner

(d)            M. W. Davis

Q 8   “Geography studies the differences of phenomena usually related in different parts of the earth’s surface”. Which scholar gives this statement about Geography?

(a)             Eratosthenese

(b)            Alfred Hettner

(c)             Carl Ritter

(d)            Richard Hartshorne

Q 9   Which one of the following pair is NOT a physical feature?

(a)             Mountains and hills

(b)            Plains and plateaus

(c)             Lakes and deserts

(d)            Villages and cities

Q 10   Which one of the following pair is NOT a cultural feature?

(a)             Road

(b)            Port

(c)             Valley

(d)            Market

Q 11   Which one of the following pairs of sciences, study the different aspects of the earth’s surface?

(a)             Geography and Geology

(b)            Geomorphology and Pedology

(c)             Hydrology and Oceanography

(d)            Climatology and Meteorology

Q 12   Which one of the following sciences, study the different aspects of the soil?

(a)             Geology

(b)            Pedology

(c)             Anthropology

(d)            Geography

Q 13   Which one of the following is NOT physical science?

(a)             Botany

(b)            History

(c)             Zoology

(d)            Meteorology

Q 14   Which one of the following is a physical and cultural science?

(a)             Geography

(b)            Economics

(c)             Sociology

(d)            Political science

Q 15   Why the cropping patterns differ from region to region?

(a)             Due to variations in soil and climate.

(b)            Demands in the market.

(c)             Capacity of the farmer to invest and technological inputs.

(d)            All of the above.

Q 16   Primitive human societies were directly dependent on their immediate environment. Of the following primitive societies, which pair is NOT correctly matched?

(a)             Eskimos or Inuits – Arctic Region, Igloo and Harpoon

(b)            San – Sahara Desert

(c)             Pygmies – Congo or Zaire Basin

(d)            Bushmen – Kalahari Desert

Q 17   Which one of the following statements related to geography is NOT true?

(a)             Geography is an Integrating Discipline.

(b)            Geography is a discipline of synthesis.

(c)             It attempts spatial synthesis, and its approach is holistic in nature.

(d)            It attempts temporal synthesis.

Q 18   The Indian Sea coast has NOT encouraged contact with the people of following area.

(a)             Central Asia

(b)            East and Southeast Asia

(c)             Europe and Africa

(d)            Australia and South America

Q 19   In India, which physical feature has acted as great barriers and provided protection but it's provided routes to the migrants and invaders.

(a)             Thar Desert

(b)            Tha Himalayas

(c)             The Great Indian Plains

(d)            The Peninsular Plateau

Q 20   What is the shape of the earth?

(a)             Spheroid

(b)            Circleur

(c)             Geoid

(d)            Triangular

Q 21   What is the basic tool of a geographer?

(a)             Map

(b)            Globe

(c)             Chart

(d)            Computer

Q 22   Which is two-dimensional representation of the earth?

(a)             Map

(b)            Globe

(c)             Satellite

(d)            Drone

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