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Showing posts from September, 2024

Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs Collection (Year Wise)

Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs Collection (Year Wise) 👉 Class 12th Geography CBSE Sample Paper 2024-25 MCQs 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - (Compartment Paper June 2024) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2024 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - (Compartment Paper June 2023) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2023 (Code 64-1-1 - Set 1, 2 and 3) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2023 (Code 64-2-1 - Set 1, 2 and 3) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2023 (Code 64-3-1 - Set 1, 2 and 3) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2023 (Code 64-4-1 - Set 1, 2 and 3) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2023 (Code 64-5-1 - Set 1, 2 and 3) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous Year Papers MCQs - Annual Exam 2021 (Code 64-1-1 - Set 1, 2 and 3) 👉 Class 12th Geography Previous

Class 12th Geography Chapter Wise MCQs Collection

Geography Book 1 Fundamentals of Human Geography ( मानव भूगोल के मूल सिद्धांत ) 👉 Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope (मानव भूगोल: प्रकृति एवं विषय क्षेत्र) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 2 World Population Distribution, Density and Growth (विश्व जनसंख्या वितरण, घनत्व और वृद्धि) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 3 Human Development (मानव विकास) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 4 Primary Activity (प्राथमिक क्रियाकलाप) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 5 Secondary Activity (द्वितीयक क्रियाकलाप) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 6 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities (तृतीयक और चतुर्थक क्रियाकलाप) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 7 Transport and Communication (परिवहन और संचार) – MCQs 👉 Chapter 8 International Trade (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार) – MCQs Geography Book 2 India - People and Economy ( भारत - लोग और अर्थव्यवस्था )   👉 Chapter - 1 Population Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition (जनसंख्या वितरण, घनत्व, वृद्धि और संघटन) – MCQs 👉 Chapter - 2 Human Settlements (मानव बस्तियाँ) – MCQs 👉 Chapter - 3 Land Resources and Agriculture (भू -संसाधन और कृ

CBSE Guidelines for Making MCQs

👉 CBSE Guidelines for Making MCQs CBSE Guidelines for Making MCQs Search Me On Google Using Keywords: - #Abhimanyusir #AbhimanyuDahiya #UltimateGeography Abhimanyu Sir Visit My YouTube Channel Using Keywords: - Abhimanyu Dahiya Ultimate Geography

FAQs Related to CBSE Class X and XII LOC Submission 2024-25

👉 FAQs Related to CBSE Class X and XII LOC Submission 2024-25 (Important Points Highlighted) 👉 Issuance of FAQs for Timely and Accurate Submission of LOC - 2025 reg (4.97 MB)  13/09/2024 Search Me On Google Using Keywords: - #Abhimanyusir #AbhimanyuDahiya #UltimateGeography Abhimanyu Sir Visit My YouTube Channel Using Keywords: - Abhimanyu Dahiya Ultimate Geography

Class 12th Geography CBSE Sample Paper 2024-25 MCQs

Q 1.                    The Human Poverty Index measures the shortfall in human development on the basis of which parameter/s? मानव गरीबी सूचकांक किस पैरामीटर/मापदंडों के आधार पर मानव विकास में कमी को मापता है ? A.   The adult literacy rate and the life expectancy at birth. A. वयस्क साक्षरता दर और जन्म के समय जीवन प्रत्याशा। B.   Access to resources in terms of purchasing power. B. क्रय शक्ति के संदर्भ में संसाधनों तक पहुँच। C.   The number of small children who are underweight. C. कम वजन वाले छोटे बच्चों की संख्या। D.   The number of children enrolled in the school. D. स्कूल में नामांकित बच्चों की संख्या। Q 2.                    There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per the codes provided below. दो कथन अभिकथन ( A) और कारण ( R) के रूप में चिह्नित हैं। नीचे दिए गए कोड के अनुसार अपना उत्तर चिह्नित करें। Assertion  (A):  Often  smaller  countries  have  done  better  than  larger  ones  and relatively poorer nations have b

Class 12th Geography CBSE Sample Paper 2024-25 MCQs Solution

Q 1.                    The Human Poverty Index measures the shortfall in human development on the basis of which parameter/s? मानव गरीबी सूचकांक किस पैरामीटर/मापदंडों के आधार पर मानव विकास में कमी को मापता है ? A.   The adult literacy rate and the life expectancy at birth. A. वयस्क साक्षरता दर और जन्म के समय जीवन प्रत्याशा। B.   Access to resources in terms of purchasing power. B. क्रय शक्ति के संदर्भ में संसाधनों तक पहुँच। C.   The number of small children who are underweight. C. कम वजन वाले छोटे बच्चों की संख्या। D.   The number of children enrolled in the school. D. स्कूल में नामांकित बच्चों की संख्या। Ans. C.   The number of small children who are underweight. C. कम वजन वाले छोटे बच्चों की संख्या। Q 2.                    There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per the codes provided below. दो कथन अभिकथन ( A) और कारण ( R) के रूप में चिह्नित हैं। नीचे दिए गए कोड के अनुसार अपना उत्तर चिह्नित करें। Assertion  (A):  O