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Key Facts about Cyclone Biporjoy चक्रवात बिपोरजॉय के बारे में मुख्य तथ्य

Key Facts about Cyclone Biporjoy originate in the Arabian Sea in June 2023 जून 2023 में अरब सागर में उत्पन्न हुए चक्रवात बिपोरजॉय के बारे में मुख्य तथ्य

Cyclone Biparjoy has made landfall on Thursday on June 15, 2023 touching the Saurashtra, Kutch in Gujarat, and adjoining Pakistan coasts, India Meteorological Department (IMD) has said. The wind speed is likely to be 115 to 125 kmph gusting to 145 kmph during the landfall process, it said. According to IMD, heavy rainfall is likely to continue during the landfall process.

“If u see the radar, the northern portion of the cyclone there not much rainfall is seen. Most of the rainfall will be in the southern eyewall as mentioned earlier. This shows areas on the southern side of the centre will get more rain.

A system roughly 300km wide, with the eye of the storm alone spread across a 50km diameter, Biparjoy brought with it storm surges 2-3m high and winds that gusted up to 140k/hr.

“Cyclone Biparjoy is now the longest duration cyclone in the Arabian Sea history breaking the record of the June 1998 cyclone based on data from the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre. Cyclone Biparjoy is maintaining cyclone strength (winds > 34 knots) for 192hrs (till Wednesday June 14, 2023 Morning),” 
Biparjoy sustained for 222 hours with winds of at least cyclone strength (62 kmph), the longest in the history of north Indian ocean cyclones.

Biparjoy is also the second strongest or more intense cyclone to develop over Arabian Sea in June jointly with a 1998 cyclone clocking maximum winds of 194.4 kmph as per JWTC and 166.68 kmph as per IMD. 

The strongest June cyclone in Arabian Sea was Gonu in 2007 with wind speed of 268.54 kmph,” said said Vineet Kumar Singh, researcher, Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National University, South Korea.

Intensification of cyclones over the Arabian Sea is unusual and dangerous, experts said, adding that Biparjoy was fuelled by extreme energy from the ocean, with an unusually warm Arabian Sea and wind conditions helping nurture it for over 220 hours.

Once a cyclone enters land, however, it begins to break up, but not before leaving a trail of destruction. A similar unusual Arabian Sea cyclone that hit India’s west coast in 2021, cyclone Tauktae, claimed the lives of 57 people in the first day of its landfall.

Tauktae too was a rare storm since most cyclones develop off India’s east coast in the Bay of Bengal.

Experts attribute this to a warming of the Arabian sea. Sea surface temperatures here have increased by 1.2 to 1.4 degrees Celsius in recent decades, compared to four decades ago, according to a paper in Elsevier’s Earth Science Reviews published last year.

According to a 2021 paper published in Nature, there is a significant increasing trend in the intensity, frequency, and duration of cyclonic storms (CS) and very severe cyclonic storms (VSCS) observed over the Arabian Sea during the study period, 1982 to 2019.

Impacts of Cyclone Biparjoy
 Cyclone Biparjoy brings high tides, (The meteorological department said the storm surge due to the cyclone will likely be 2-3 metres above the astronomical tide and is expected to inundate low-lying areas of Dwarka, Okha, Diu, Naliya, Veraval, Bhuj, Porbandar and Kandla)
Heavy Rainfall on Western Coastal Regions and Rainfall in Rajasthan and Haryana - Punjab also.
People Died
Flash Flood
Crops loss
Trees and electricity poles were uprooted as cyclone Biparjoy made landfall in Gujarat’s Kutch district, bringing winds sustaining at 115-125k/hr as thousands of rescue workers stood by while close to 100,000 residents were already moved out of their homes.

At Okha a tug sank after it drifted away from the anchor and a Coast Guard vessel at Kankai jetty in Okha harbour drifted away due to the storm, said a senior Gujarat government official. Also, a vessel MV Hai NAM 81 reported engine trouble at Kandla port in Kutch and began drifting towards Dwarka. “The vessel is about 7 nautical miles away from Dwarka and all efforts are on to rescue everyone on board. 

How Cyclone Biparjoy became the longest-living cyclone over Arabian Sea?
Cyclone Biparjoy began to form over the southeast Arabian Sea around 5.30 am on June 6 and as of June 15 had a life expectancy of roughly 10 days.

Cyclone Biparjoy which takes its name from the Bengali word for “disaster” has made landfall and caused several damages in Gujarat’s Kutch-Saurashtra region. Hundreds of villages were left without a power supply. The strong winds and heavy rainfall uprooted thousands of trees. Over 100 animals perished, and there were two documented deaths along with 23 injuries. The cyclone has fallen into a "deep depression," and in the following 12 hours, it is projected to weaken much further into a "deep depression," according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD).

The storm damaged 5,120 power poles, which resulted in significant financial losses for the state power provider. The Gujarat government's current urgent challenges include reestablishing electricity in villages and cleaning fallen trees from roadways.

Cyclone Biparjoy began to form over the southeast Arabian Sea around 5.30 am on June 6 and as of June 15 had a life expectancy of roughly 10 days. As a result, Cyclone Biparjoy is now the cyclone in the Arabian Sea with the longest life expectancy. 

 "Several factors impact the intensity of a cyclone that includes heat content, rotational power and humidity. Normally, the eastern part of the Arabian Sea is hotter and hence the cyclone is sustained long, due to enough heat and humidity feeding it continuously,” India Today reported Mrutyunjay Mahapatra, the Director General of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). 

Mahapatra ascribed Cyclone Biparjoy's endurance to the Arabian Sea's bigger sea surface area. “The Arabian Sea has a larger area in comparison to the Bay of Bengal and hence the cyclones are longer. Even in 2019, there was a super cyclone called Kyarr in the Arabian Sea which lasted nine days and 15 hours. Biparjoy has a duration of almost 11 days but it is not unusual,” he continued. 

The reason for this cyclonic storm's prolonged existence was its slow pace, which was originally five km/h on average for the first two days before becoming "practically stationary" over the Arabian Sea for the following five days, according to IMD. The cyclonic storm turned and accelerated to eight km/h in its latter stages. 

The winds that are located in the upper zones of the atmosphere, or five to 10 km above the ground surface (mid to upper level), control the path of the cyclones. The most powerful storm in the history of the North Indian Ocean, storm Biparjoy, had an Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) of 24.8.

The origin of tropical cyclones in lower latitudes is another factor influencing their prolonged duration.

On June 6, a Low-Pressure Area (LPA) formed over the southeast Arabian Sea about 920 km west-southwest of Goa and 1,120 km south-southwest of Mumbai. The LPA became a Deep Depression that was expected to progress north and become a cyclonic storm.

चक्रवात बिपारजॉय अरब सागर के ऊपर सबसे लंबे समय तक रहने वाला चक्रवात कैसे बन गया?
चक्रवात बिपारजॉय ने 6 जून को सुबह 5.30 बजे के आसपास दक्षिण पूर्व अरब सागर के ऊपर बनना शुरू किया और 15 जून तक इसकी जीवन प्रत्याशा लगभग 10 दिनों की थी।
चक्रवात बिपारजॉय, जो बंगाली शब्द "आपदा" से अपना नाम लेता है, ने गुजरात के कच्छ-सौराष्ट्र क्षेत्र में भूस्खलन किया और कई नुकसान किए। सैकड़ों गांवों को बिजली की आपूर्ति के बिना छोड़ दिया गया था। तेज हवाओं और भारी बारिश ने हजारों पेड़ों को जड़ से उखाड़ दिया। 100 से अधिक जानवरों की मृत्यु हो गई, और 23 चोटों के साथ दो प्रलेखित मौतें हुईं। भारत मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (IMD) के अनुसार, चक्रवात एक "गहरे दबाव" में गिर गया है और अगले 12 घंटों में, "गहरे दबाव" में और कमजोर होने का अनुमान है।

तूफान ने 5,120 बिजली के खंभे क्षतिग्रस्त कर दिए, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप राज्य बिजली प्रदाता के लिए महत्वपूर्ण वित्तीय नुकसान हुआ। गुजरात सरकार की मौजूदा तत्काल चुनौतियों में गांवों में बिजली की बहाली और सड़कों से गिरे पेड़ों को साफ करना शामिल है।

चक्रवात बिपारजॉय ने 6 जून को सुबह 5.30 बजे के आसपास दक्षिण पूर्व अरब सागर के ऊपर बनना शुरू किया और 15 जून तक इसकी जीवन प्रत्याशा लगभग 10 दिनों की थी। नतीजतन, चक्रवात बिपारजॉय अब अरब सागर में सबसे लंबी जीवन प्रत्याशा वाला चक्रवात है।

  "कई कारक एक चक्रवात की तीव्रता को प्रभावित करते हैं जिसमें गर्मी की मात्रा, घूर्णी शक्ति और आर्द्रता शामिल होती है। आम तौर पर, अरब सागर का पूर्वी भाग अधिक गर्म होता है और इसलिए चक्रवात लंबे समय तक बना रहता है, पर्याप्त गर्मी और आर्द्रता इसे लगातार खिलाती है," भारत भारत मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (आईएमडी) के महानिदेशक मृत्युंजय महापात्रा ने आज यह सूचना दी।

महापात्रा ने अरब सागर के बड़े समुद्री सतह क्षेत्र के लिए चक्रवात बिपार्जॉय के धीरज को जिम्मेदार ठहराया। “बंगाल की खाड़ी की तुलना में अरब सागर का एक बड़ा क्षेत्र है और इसलिए चक्रवात लंबे होते हैं। 2019 में भी अरब सागर में क्यार नाम का सुपर साइक्लोन आया था जो नौ दिन 15 घंटे तक चला था। बिपार्जॉय की अवधि लगभग 11 दिनों की है लेकिन यह असामान्य नहीं है," उन्होंने जारी रखा।

आईएमडी के अनुसार, इस चक्रवाती तूफान के लंबे समय तक अस्तित्व में रहने का कारण इसकी धीमी गति थी, जो मूल रूप से अरब सागर के ऊपर "व्यावहारिक रूप से स्थिर" होने से पहले पहले दो दिनों के लिए औसतन पाँच किमी / घंटा थी। चक्रवाती तूफान बदल गया और इसके बाद के चरणों में आठ किमी / घंटा तक तेज हो गया।

हवाएँ जो वायुमंडल के ऊपरी क्षेत्रों में स्थित होती हैं, या जमीन की सतह (मध्य से ऊपरी स्तर) से पाँच से 10 किमी ऊपर होती हैं, चक्रवातों के मार्ग को नियंत्रित करती हैं। उत्तर हिंद महासागर के इतिहास में सबसे शक्तिशाली तूफान, तूफान बिपारजॉय, में 24.8 की संचित चक्रवात ऊर्जा (एसीई) थी।

निचले अक्षांशों में उष्णकटिबंधीय चक्रवातों की उत्पत्ति उनकी लंबी अवधि को प्रभावित करने वाला एक अन्य कारक है।

6 जून को, एक निम्न-दबाव क्षेत्र (LPA) दक्षिण-पूर्व अरब सागर के ऊपर गोवा से लगभग 920 किमी पश्चिम-दक्षिण पश्चिम और मुंबई से 1,120 किमी दक्षिण-दक्षिण पश्चिम में बना। LPA एक डीप डिप्रेशन बन गया जिसके उत्तर की ओर बढ़ने और एक चक्रवाती तूफान बनने की उम्मीद थी।

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