Ques. 1. ये किस फसल की भौगोलिक दशाएँ हैं - तापमान 20 से 30 डिग्री सेल्सियस, वर्षा 200 सेमी से ज्यादा, धरातल - अवप्त भूमि, मिटटी - लाल, पीली, लेटेराइट ? These are the geographical conditions of which crop - temperature 20 to 30 ° C, rainfall more than 200 cm, surface - depleted land, soil - red, yellow, laterite?
a) कहवा (Coffee)
b) रबड़ (Rubber)
c) चाय (Tea)
d) पटसन (Jute)
Answer- b) रबड़ (Rubber)
Ques 2. In which type of soil cotton is grown?
a) Alluvial Soil
b) Black Soil
c) Red Soil
d) Laterite Soil
Answer- b) Black Soil
Ques. 3 Cotton is which type of crop?
a) Rabi crop
b) Zaid Crop
c) Kharif Crop
d) None of the above
Answer- c) Kharif Crop