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Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope - MCQ

Q1. Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information?
a) Traveler’s accounts
b) Old maps
c) Samples of rock materials from the moon
d) Ancient epics.

Ans: Samples of rock materials from the moon.

Q2. Who gave the concept of ‘stop and go determinism’?
a) Griffith Taylor
b) Ratzel
c) E.C.Semple
d) Vidal de la Blache

Ans: Griffith Taylor

Q3. “Nature provided opportunities and human being make use of these and slowly nature gets humanized and starts bearing the imprints of human endeavor.” reflects the concept of:.
a) Possibilism
b) Environmental determinism
c) Neo-determinism
d) None of these.

Ans: Possibilism

Q4. Which one of the following statement does not describe geography?
a) An integrative disciple
b) Study of the inter-relationship between humans and environment.
c) Subjected to dualism
d) Not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.

Ans: Not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.

Q5. Which of the following is a sub field of social geography?
a) Geography of Resources
b) Historical Geography
c) Electoral Geography
d) Geography of Tourism.

Ans: Historical Geography.

Q6. Which of the following is not a sub field of social geography?
a) Medical geography
b) Historical geography
c) Cultural geography
d) Military geography

Ans: Military geography

Q7. Which school of thought employed the Marxian theory?
a) Welfare school of thought.
b) Radical school of thought.
c) Behavioral school of thought
d) All the above.

Ans: Radical school of thought.

Q8. Which of the following is not a sub field of economic geography?
a) Geography of Resources
b) Geography of Leisure
c) Geography of Agriculture
d) Geography of Industries.

Ans: Geography of Leisure.

Q9. The study of inter relationship between human and environment is known as:.
a) History
b) Geography
c) Political science
d) Economics

Ans: Geography

Q10. Which school of thought laid emphasis or social categories based ethnicity, race and religion?
a) Welfare school of thought
b) Radical school of thought
c) Behavioral school of thought
d) None of the above.

Ans: Behavioral school of thought.

Q11. Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography?
a) Areal differentiation
b) Spatial organization
c) Quantitative revolution.
d) Exploration and description.

Ans: Quantitative revolution.

Q12. The introduction of social wellbeing school of thought in human geography is known as:
a) Humanistic school of thought.
b) Radical school of thought
c) Behavioral school of thought
d) None of the above.

Ans: Humanistic school of thought.

Q13. Stop and go determinism is also known as:
a) Possibilism
b) Determinism
c) Neo-determinism
d) None of the above.

Ans: Neo-determinism.

Q14. Who gave the concept, ‘Human geography is the study of the changing relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth?’
a) Ratzel
b) Ellen C. Semple
c) Paul Vidal de la Blache
d) Griffith Taylor.

Ans: Ellen C. Semple

Q15. Urban/Rural planning is learnt in which of the field of Human geography?
a) Settlement Geography
b) Population Geography
c) Urban Geography
d) Economic Geography.

Ans: Settlement Geography.

Q16. In sub-fields of human geography, what do we study in Gender geography?
a) Anthropology
b) Sociology
c) Epidemiology
d) Sociology, Anthropology, Women’s studies.

Ans: Sociology, Anthropology, Women’s studies.

Q17. In which period grand generalizations and the applicability of universal theories became popular in geographical studies?
a) 1850s
b) 1920s
c) 1970s
d) 1990s

Ans: 1990s.

Q18. Which one of the following is an approach in human geography?
a) Regional analysis
b) Quantitative revolution
c) Humanistic
d) Radical

Ans: Regional analysis.

Q19. Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between people and environment?
a) Human intelligence
b) People’s perception
c) Technology
d) Human brotherhood

Ans: Technology

Q20. Who among the following is an Australian geographer?
a) Griffith Taylor
b) Ratzel
c) E.C.Semple
d) Vidal de la Blache

Ans: Griffith Taylor